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CBD, Terpenes and Flavonoids

CBD, terpenes, and flavonoids are all part of the hemp plant. However, there are a number of important differences between the two. This article will explore the anatomy, history, and value of the hemp plant to unveil not only what distinguishes the various elements of hemp but also what makes it such a diverse commodity.


What is hemp?

Hemp, also known as industrial hemp, is a type of Cannabis Sativa. Hemp is grown in temperate zones from seed and can reach heights of up to 16 feet it is fully grown. The aromatic plant is cultivated for its fibre, seeds, and leaves. The fibre is obtained through a series of processes.

The plant is retted, dried, and crushed to obtain the fibres. The fibre has similar properties to flax but is longer and less flexible. Hemp fibre has a variety of uses. It is used for cordage, sacking, making clothing, paper, and even the production of bioplastics. These bioplastics are more often than not recyclable and biodegradable. When hemp is farmed and harvested correctly, the fibre can be even stronger than steel, making it an extremely viable part of the hemp plant with endless potential functions.

Hemp seeds are made up of thirty percent oil and are often pressed and made into hemp CBD oil.  This CBD oil can then be used to make a variety of hemp products.

The hemp hurd is the soft inner centre of the stem. Hemp hurd is similar to wood chips and its thermal properties make it an effective alternative to animal bedding. The unrefined chunks of hemp hurd work perfectly for this or can be used in an array of products, such as cement (hempcrete), insulative products and paper. It can also be ground and used in the forms of biodegradable plastics. Eco-friendly and affordable, hemp hurd is up and coming as a replacement material for many different industrial and everyday items.

Hemp is rich in omega 3 and fatty acids. Hemp essential oils are also made from steaming and pressing hemp leaves. The properties of aromatic oil mean it is in high demand.


What is CBD?

CBD is one of over one hundred chemical compounds found in the hemp plant and is a naturally occurring substance.  It is often used in products like oils and edibles. CBD is often confused with its sister compound delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). However, the main separator between THC and CBD is that THC is psychoactive, and CBD is not. This makes CBD appealing to people who are interested in pain relief and anti-anxiety treatment but don't want the brain-altering effects of psychoactive ingredients like THC. CBD is often referred to as the ‘multipurpose molecule’ and for good reason. People are looking to nature to veer away from lab-produced chemicals with negative side effects. CBD finds itself perfectly positioned at the centre of this revolution.

CBD oil is growing in popularity.  One of the many wonderful aspects of CBD is that its properties are malleable meaning it can be transferred into many different product forms. For example, CBD tea and coffee, soaps, bath bombs, edibles, capsules, and many...many more.    

CBD terpenes are at the forefront of what makes this compound so special.


What are Terpenes in CBD?

Terpenes are constantly around us, yet most of us don’t know what they actually are. If you’ve ever smelt the enticing aroma of flowers or the earthy scent of tree bark, then you have experienced the effect of terpenes. Terpenes are aromatic compounds in plants that can both attract and repel pollination. CBD terpenes in particular are used for aromatherapy and skin hydration. There are six main terpenes found in and associated with CBD.


Limonene- Limonene is a terpene that is mainly found in citrus fruits. Limonene also helps increase the overall absorption level of other terpenes, including those in CBD.

Myrcene- Myrcene most common terpene found in the hemp plant.  It is one of the most valuable terpenes in CBD.

Pinene- With its name deriving from its presence in pine. It is also found in turpentine, dill, parsley, pine needles, rosemary, and basil. 

Linalool- Linalool is often found in aromatic flowering plants like lavender and chamomile. Linalool is naturally found in over 200 types of plants!

Humulene- Humulene is found in hops and ginger and is known for its harsh and robust aroma. Humulene is one of the primary terpenes in the Hemp plant and is common in nature. 

Caryophyllene- Caryophyllene provides a warmer and spicier quality to CBD’s flavour profile.


Terpenes are extremely important to how people experience CBD.  The wellness effects of these terpenes make CBD terpenes a highly demanded and viable health alternative. 

What are Hemp Flavonoids?

Much like terpenes, flavonoids play a major role in how our senses perceive CBD. Flavonoids dictate the flavour profile of hemp and CBD products.  Flavonoids and terpenes have a synergistic relationship to create the flavour and aroma of CBD and hemp.

The flavonoid quercetin, present in CBD as well as many fruits and vegetables are known for its anti-fungal properties. Catechins, another flavonoid is credited for having antioxidant properties.

In hemp, Cannaflavin A, Cannaflavin B, and C are highly active flavonoids found in hemp include Orientin, Silymarin, and Kaempferol. The potential power of flavonoids seems boundless, as more and more research uncover their wide-ranging properties.

Flavonoids are also responsible for the pigmentation of the hemp plant, just as flavonoids do with all types of flowers. Terpenes and flavonoids create a symbiotic relationship. This effect describes the interaction between these elements to unleash the full spectrum capabilities of CBD and moreover, the hemp plant in general. While we have all of this information on flavonoids, their potential is wildly under-researched and unknown within the western world. It is thrilling to consider what may be unveiled about flavonoids, terpenes, CBD and hemp in the future and we can’t wait to see what else the world’s most versatile plant has to offer.



Hemp is a multi-faceted and complex plant that presents a lot of possibilities.   We hope that this article debunked some of the falsehoods about hemp and CBD and demonstrated how valuable this plant, laced with hundreds of years of history and cultivation by ancient societies is to the modern world. Hemp, to us, represents change, a pivot in society that is moving away from what we know and rather, aims for what we can be.

The potential of hemp is limitless and can be transformative if it is harnessed correctly. From hemp's naturally occurring fibres and hurd that have many practical functions, it goes without saying that hemp is the future... From its seed to its stalk, every part of the hemp plants offers something unique.

If you want to be at the forefront of the hemp revolution and be the future that is most definitely coming, Celtic Wind products are the perfect way to start. With highly researched and tested hemp CBD products, we offer a door to a new world of benefits, sustainability opportunities and ground-breaking research. We hope you will come on this journey with us, Celtic Wind.


To shop our range of reliable, Irish hemp CBD products, click here.

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