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Five Steps to Wellbeing - C.A.N.L.G

The New Economics Foundation created the set of evidence-based behaviours in 2008. In 2008, the organization conducted a project that reviewed research from all around the world on effective methods to feel good and function effectively.

  • Small changes in health might boost our capacity to live a more satisfying life.
  • Each action in the Five Ways to Wellbeing has the potential to improve your life.
  • The Five Ways to Wellbeing are simple and inexpensive to implement into your life.
  • If you've ever said things like, "I wish I'd known about this before," or anything similar, then there's a good chance that you're doing several of these activities without even realizing it.
  • Try to integrate all of the Five Ways to Wellbeing on a daily basis in order to get the most out of them.


Make time for Connections every day. Interact with the people around you, including family, friends, co-workers, and neighbours. At home, at work, or in school or in your local community. We feel better equipped and more fulfilled as a result of remaining connected and nurturing these relationships.

Be Active

Every day, look for ways to get active. Take a stroll or run. Get out of the house and go somewhere. Play tennis, ball sports, swim or dance outside. This releases endorphins. Decide on an exercise you enjoy that matches your personal schedule and level of mobility and fitness. Being physically active has been linked to better mental health and well-being in studies.

Take Notice

Know what you're feeling and be aware of your surroundings. Be inquisitive. Take notice of the lovely things in life. Keep an eye on the changing seasons and enjoy nature. Savour each moment, whether you're going to work, lunching, or chatting with friends and live in the moment. Pay close attention to the present moment - both to your thoughts and feelings.

Keep Learning

Try something new. Rekindle an old hobby. Enrol in that course. Make a new dish. Take on a new responsibility. Setting yourself a fresh goal and acquiring a new skill can help you feel better mentally and physically.


Doing good to others is beneficial to your health. Chat with strangers. Giving is more powerful than receiving, and releases endorphins. Do something nice for someone else. Thank someone. Don't just sit back and relax; get out there and help people! Feel the bond between yourself and the community grow stronger.


Information Source: https://www.mentalhealthireland.ie/five-ways-to-wellbeing/

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